Wednesday, April 13, 2011


We inherited some homebrew supplies from a friend, and after ordering the remaining necessities and a few recipe kits, I delve into the world of homebrew.  I miss hoppy beers, so the first recipe I try is a Fat Yak IPA.  The most involved aspect is the careful sterilization of the equipment, as well as all the water, which needs to be boiled for 10 minutes, put into sterile containers, and cooled.  After that, though, is the fun part: boiling the malted grain, adding the hops, cooling, and adding the yeast.  It all goes into a big fermenting jug, and then it sits for about a week, while the yeast does it magic.  A simple airlock is added to the top: water is put into the 'S' bend, so the CO2 can vent off while preventing contamination from the air. You know if the yeast is active if the airlock starts bubbling. The next morning brings vigorous bubbles, and we're on our way!

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