Monday, November 30, 2009

The flat is officially starting to grow on us, and we're feeling like putting down some roots. So we spend the weekend ripping out weeds and sewing seeds. We remove the tangle of weeds from the front garden, leaving only a papaya tree. We realize that we have no defenses against the red crabs, who are currently on the move beginning their migration to the ocean, so we salvage some sheet metal from the "tip" (=dump) and set up a crabby barrier. We add a little rocky landscaping, and needing a little more shade for our veranda, we decide to translocate a palm from our jungle-y backyard.

[Arthur pauses to reflect exactly how much 'merican white trash persona he can bring to the planting venture...]

We set up a mess of seed trays, and wonder if anything will germinate from all our little seeds. After cleaning up, we continue on the if-we-can't-buy-it-let's-make-it road and make yogurt and a homemade pizza for dinner.

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