Monday, October 26, 2009


After Arthur touches the Mezuzah for good luck, and we take one last goodbye picture, we head off to drive to Cleveland to visit Arthur’s sister, Nella and niece, Annabelle.

We take the ferry over Lake Champlain; it’s a beautiful day to say goodbye to VT. Stop for picnic lunch in Adirondacks and show up for dinner in Cleveland.

Spend the next day with Nella and Annabelle, watch Annabelle open up her gifts from VT and show Annabelle the

joys of playing with a frisbee and romping in the leaves.

After some clay modeling of a multicolored family and a big red ant, and a little jam session, we head on down the road to Chicago. Catch dinner with a friend from Mpala and then head to a great Belgian beer pub (thanks, Wyman).

Next day hang out with a couple old college friends and get to meet Finn, the biggest cutest 14 month old I’ve had the pleasure to meet.

Head on up to Milwaukee to catch up with best bud from school, and have great overdue catch-up, epic shuffleboard included.

Finally make it home to MN and have a blast hanging out with the family, though wish we had more time and fewer errands. Eat superbly the whole time, Arthur rips up entryway carpet to discover gorgeous fifty year hardwood beneath, enjoy a walk around Lake Harriet, and an amazing meal at a French bistro. Go traditional Norwegian for last meal, with fish and lefse, rice pudding and fruit soup. Uncle comes over, huge atlas in hand, to see where exactly this Christmas Island is. Finish up packing, and get ready to fly to other side of the world.

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